This weekend we are going to Sussex to celebrate my Uncle Maurice's 95th birthday! I am very proud of Uncle Maurice, he is an inspiration. He still goes to writing classes, lives independently and can operate a computer. He is sharp and witty, and hugely knowledgeable, his memory is far better than mine. He has won through various physical illnesses, but his thirst for life and new knowledge overcomes all else.
Maurice is a socialist, a pacifist, and he is not afraid to offer a controversial opinion when he sees fit. He has three daughters, whom he largely brought up alone, as his wife died in her early 40's. He ran a succesful nursery for many years, mainly growing cyclamen. He retired when the storms of 1987 blew away most of his greenhouses, taking away the decision as to whether he should repair them or not!
I can't wait to see him and his family, and to be beaten into submission on some value I hold close that turns out to be wrong!
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